Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Today we claim victory for New York's 7th Congressional District (NY7). Even though we anticipated a different outcome, we waged an unconventional, dynamic and historic election, where the incumbent faced her biggest challenge in many election cycles, diminishing her political base and setting new hopes for our people. A new urban movement has emerged and we will continue to shift.
I want to thank all the collaborators, volunteers and every single constituent that greeted me, confided in me their struggles and aspirations. With an urban vision and stern commitments, together we challenged the status quo and did so by forging new paths for civic engagement.
Our commitment with education, equality for all citizens, immigration reform, public safety, national security, health, sustainability, small business, entrepreneurship and the arts is aligned with the needs and hopes of NY7. I am committed to advance this urban agenda as we enter the next phase.
I wish to thank each and every one of you for your trust and the faith entrusted in me with your vote and desire for a new level of progress in NY7 and throughout our nation.

Twitter:  @JLFNY7
Instagram:  JLFernandezForCongress 


Hoy celebramos una gran victoria para el Distrito Congresional 7 de Nueva York (NY7).  Aunque anticipamos un resultado diferente, impulsamos una histórica campaña, no convencional y dinámica, en donde la incumbente se enfrentó al reto más grande en varios ciclos electorales.  Su base política ha erosionado significativamente, y hemos sembrado una nueva esperanza para nuestra gente.
Quiero agradecer a todos los colaboradores, voluntarios y a cada constituyente que me recibió, y confió sus retos y aspiraciones.  Con una visión urbana y un verdadero sentido de compromiso, retamos al inmobilismo, definiendo así un nuevo camino de activismo cívico.
Nuestro compromiso con la educación, la igualdad para todos los ciudadanos, una reforma migratoria integral, seguridad nacional, salud, sustentabilidad, empresarimo y las artes, está alineado con las necesidades y el deseo de superación de NY7.  Estoy comprometido a impulsar esta agenda urbana ahora que entramos a una nueva fase.
Deseo agradecer a cada uno de ustedes por su confianza y por haber depositado su fé en mí con su voto, aspirando a un nuevo nivel de progreso en NY7 y a través de nuestra nación.

Twitter:  @JLFNY7
Instagram:  JLFernandezForCongress 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Today we claim victory for New York's 7th Congressional District (NY7). We waged an unconventional, dynamic and historic election, where the incumbent faced her biggest opposition in many election cycles.  A new urban movement has emerged and we will continue to shift. I want to thank all the collaborators, volunteers and every single constituent that greeted me, confided in me their struggles and aspirations. With an urban vision and stern commitments, together we challenged the status quo and did so by forging new paths for civic engagement.

Our commitment with education, equality for all citizens, immigration reform, public safety, national security, health, sustainability, small business, entrepreneurship and the arts is aligned with the needs and hopes of NY7.  I am committed to advance this urban agenda as we enter the next phase.

I wish to thank each and every one of you for your trust and the faith entrusted in me with your vote and desire for a new level of progress in NY7 and throughout our nation.

Monday, November 3, 2014


I'm committed with the artistic community at NY7 by proposing the creation of The Williamsburg Arts District and reinstating arts education programs in schools. 

I pursued formal studies in piano performance at the Puerto Rico Conservatory of Music.  As an artist, I understand the value of arts education as a integral component in the development of an individual.  I have talked to musicians, dancers, painters, photographers, filmmakers, and many others throughout the district.  I feel their energy through NY7, and realize that we must do something greater.

Williamsburg, Brooklyn has the infrastructure, resources and talent to turn the area into a world-class arts district as a model for economic development.

What has Nydia Velázquez done for the artistic community in NY7?  What has she done to recognize the work of artists who share their energy with the city?  She has not secured federal funding available to keep arts education programs in schools, reason why many departments have been closing in schools. 

I commit to finding federal resources to structure a master plan for the creation of The Williamsburg Arts District, where we can provide incentives for artists to remain in the city.  Unfortunately, many have moved out as a result of the higher cost of living.  We need to refurbish old building/warehouses and turn them into workspaces and housing facilities.  Artists don’t have an adequate workspace that would allow them to remain in the city and continue with their work.  There are only a few galleries left in the city… we must bring them back!

We have to see this as an integral model for economic development.  It’s good for the artists, good for small businesses in the area who will see the benefit of increased activity in the arts district, good for residents who appreciate arts and culture, it will attract more tourism, it’s good for the economy and good for the city.  It’s an initiative that should have been secured a long time ago.  As an artist myself, as part of this community, I am committed to secure the funding to make it happen, just as we have seen it in other U.S. cities and abroad.

I will close my campaign for Congress this evening, stopping by Beautique Restaurant in Manhattan and performing with my friend Natascha Bessez and her ensemble at 8:30pm.

We have done the work, I have connected with constituents throughout NY7, shared our message and our commitment for education, economic development, equality, comprehensive immigration reform, sustainable living, public safety, health and the arts.  It’s now time to VOTE!  Time to JOIN THE NEW MAJORITY @ NY7

Twitter:  @JLFNY7
Instagram:  JLFernandezForCongress 


I am committed with entrepreneurship and the small business community. Nydia Velázquez has ignored small businesses, while they struggle with increased taxes, excessive bureaucracy and irrational fines.
Small businesses are America’s largest employers. Over 50% of the working population (120 million individuals) work in a small business.  Small businesses have generated over 65% of the net new jobs since 1995.  Over 50% of the working population (120 million individuals) work in a small business.  Approximately 543,000 new businesses come to life each month, but the reality is that they are struggling to survive their first year of operations.

Government regulations and red tape can be a tremendous barrier to small business growth. Small businesses' regulatory compliance costs are 36 percent higher than large businesses so it is no surprise that regulations consistently rank as a top concern for small business owners. Roughly 3,300 regulations are in the pipeline this year and many of them will affect small businesses.

Coming from a small business background, I have been able to connect with business owners in the district, and have discovered the incumbent’s lack of support for the small business community.  As chair of the Small Business Committee, besides responding to crony corporate interests, what did Rep. Nydia Velazquez do to help small businesses in NY7 dealing with bureaucracy, tax increases and other impediments that limit their growth and potential?

I propose starting a fund to promote the creation of microenterprises and providing citizens with guidelines on how to start their businesses, which will allow them to create jobs and contribute to the economy, while improving their quality of life and that of their families.

We need to promote, incentivize, and encourage businesses to scale up, while providing a pathway to regain confidence and recognize how entrepreneurial ecosystems are structured. NY7 is among the biggest business districts in the country. We must encourage our future entrepreneurs and our small business community.

As an entrepreneur, I understand all business cycles, and I am willing to represent a vibrant business community in NY7.  I will adopt policies to incentivize new firms, push for the creation of a High Growth Business Administration agency, keep taxes consistently low for all types of businesses and promote adding an “E” to STEM education ~ STEEM. “E” for entrepreneurial economics”

Twitter:  @JLFNY7
Instagram:  JLFernandezForCongress 

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Let's fix Obamacare & properly handle infectious diseases in NY

Today, I expanded on my commitment to fix Obamacare and properly handle infectious diseases in the city.

As it relates to healthcare:

Increase community health centers and hospitals  by boosting incentives and promoting Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) that will increase access to high quality healthcare in NY7: 

PPPs improve service delivery by allowing the government to concentrate on setting policy and serving the public while the private sector takes responsibility for all other costly functions such as operating and maintaining the buildings. They are more Cost-effective by being able to manage costs more effectively than the public sector, PPPs will result in lots of savings that can be used to fund other needed services.   They increase investment in public infrastructure.  With PPPs the private sector would be investing their own funds in hospitals to serve our community. This reduces the initial capital cost taken-on by the city and controls its overall debt.  They reduce public sector risk:  This transfers the financial risk of the construction to the private sector, which is very willing, because they are more capable of managing buildings at a more cost-effective way to get a better return of their investment. This will result in a faster delivery of projects and higher levels of service for the people.

Reform Medicare: Give Seniors Better Choices.     

Older Americans should have access to coverage similar to the insurance plan Congress has and Medicare should also receive all the funds needed to reach solvency.

Without major reforms to the program, there is simply no way for the US to address the federal deficit, contain the national debt, or save Medicare itself from collapse.

By 2030, when the last of the Baby Boomers retires, there will be 77 million people on Medicare, up from 47 million today, and there will also be 30% fewer working people funding the program benefits of this much larger retiree population.

The primary cause for Medicare’s troubles is its enormous increase in costs.
Healthcare inflation has risen 48% last decade alone compared to the only 26% of the economy.
Providing a more expensive service to a rapidly growing population and at the same time drawing on a fast-declining group of taxpayers is a recipe for disaster. Therefore, it is impossible to fix this problem only by increasing the taxes that fund Medicare.


a.     Adjust the eligibility age for Medicare. Inducing more middle-aged people to remain in the work force will decrease the ratio of number of retirees per worker.

b.     Restore the tax subsidies (eliminated by Obamacare) that encourage employers to maintain private health coverage for retirees. This would take some of the burden off of Medicare.

c.     Engage private insurers in a competitive bidding war for equal health coverage of the elderly. Retirees who choose plans that cost less than the average bid will retain three-fourths of the savings by having it applied to any deductible.

d.     Address the problem of Medicare fraud. It is estimated that 8% and 13% ($60 to $100 billion) of the total spending of Medicare is fraudulent. Medicare processes over one billion claims per year, and is required by law to reimburse claims within 15 to 30 days. This makes it almost impossible to prevent criminal activity.

Increase tax credits to small businesses:  

Obamacare has dramatically increased the costs of health insurance forcing small businesses to reduce the amount of hours of their employees. Tax incentives will help them mitigate this cost.  The Small Business Health Care Tax Credit helps small employers afford the cost of providing health care coverage for their employees. Employers that have fewer than 25 full-time employees, pay average annual wages below $50,000, and contribute 50% or more of insurance premiums qualify for a credit of up to 50% to help offset the cost.

I believe that this incentive is still too low to motivate a small business to increase its operating costs by adding health insurance as a benefit to their employees.  This credit should reach 75% during the first three years and gradually decrease to 50% throughout the next five.

EBOLA:  Create a specialized First Response Unit for Highly Infectious Diseases

We are lucky to live in a city that has 8 hospitals that have been designated as Ebola ready, none of which are in District 7.  However the most crucial part of intervening with a possible Ebola case is right at the beginning, during the first response.  As soon as a there is an indication of a possible exposure to this disease the first team deployed should be a highly specialized one.

Even though our First Responders in NYC are all very well trained to handle this situation and have all the equipment necessary to keep them safe, a highly specialized group of responders with new and more specialized equipment could immediately eliminate any risk of any further cross-contamination.  This team should be equipped with a portable isolation pod that can be quickly transported to the site where the patient can be immediately enclosed in the pod to avoid any other human contact and any further contamination of the premises. The patient will remain in the pod during the transfer to the nearest Ebola safe facility. The more isolated we keep the patient the higher the probabilities of success in eliminating any threat.

We know that Ebola may not be the only highly infectious disease which we will have to deal with in the future, so creating a highly specialized team to immediately isolate and transfer these patients will virtually eliminate any possible threat to our community.

Twitter:  @JLFNY7
Instagram:  JLFernandezForCongress